This blog is dedicated for my personal expression of feeling and idea that i want to share with public. Let it be sport, health, education, economy, politic or technology, i am here to speak out loud my thoughts and critics on various current issues and share some good knowledge and information. Your opinion and idea are warmly welcomed here. Thanks for your visit.
Mohammad Firdaus JUHARI

Picking Hanging Fruits, My Personal Opinion on Malaysian R&D Strategy

Imagine we have two boys under a fruitful mango tree, towering so high. that even the lowest mangoes are untouchable for them.

The first boy is thinking of an instant solution. He tries to pick the lowest ripe mangoes by jumping and grabbing them with his hand. It doesn't work and he gives up. Then he calls his brother who is high enough for help and finally he does it and pass the mangoes to his little brother.

The second boy thinks deeper.After an hour, he finds the idea. He sees a bamboo bush not far from the tree and makes a pole and ladder from bamboo. The pole is for picking the low hanging mangoes and  he uses the ladder to climb up the tree for picking higher ones.By using his own-made instruments, he picks more ripe mangoes than the first boy.

Few days later, both boys come back to pick ripe mangoes again. The first boy's brother is at home. So,the first boy is helpless. While the second boy uses his instruments to pick the ripe mangoes. He picks unripe mangoes as well because he find a new way to ripe them fastly.Finally, to satisfy himself, the first boy has no choice, and borrows the second boy's instruments.

Well,this situation is comparable to today's R&D strategy and roadmapping. There are countries, known for their honorable reputation in R&D activity since centuries while some are progressing and some others are still searching the right direction.

Personnally, i see Malaysia as the first boy,IN GENERAL SENSE.We are clear about our needs and ambition but our strategy to arrive to the wished innovation is needing a lot of improvement If i can list down the flaws in our R&D strategy, i would say : First, instant solution oriented, we need to look farther and abe ble to provide a longer time span if want to create advanced technologies. Second,misconception of our methodology in structuring and levelling our action research plan. Third, lack of experts in critical domains, well problem of human ressource quality.

Some of our research projects are eye-openers for researchers from countries, advanced in technology, but unluckily many were driven to failure by the factors mentioned earlier, costing billions ringgit of lost to our nation. When it happens, we will turn back to European,Russian, Japenese and American to buy their technologies.

Being on the right track, the next thing that we need is the right STRATEGY.

Originally, Honestly and Respectfully written by MFJ